Moravsko selo bio hotel and farm & Rinbovo weddings, Razlog

‘The magic of Ribnovo weddings’ is a gateway to the tradition and customs of a small and hidden in the mountain community, living in Ribnovo village. The their traditional wedding takes place in two day celebration across the whole small town. For the second day ‘gelina’ or bride’s face is pained in white paint and decorated with colourful sequins. The event in ‘Moravsko self bio farm and hotel’ is organised by our friends The hotel itself is a charming small place with nice food and cute garden with running around bunnies. We can never say it’s a luxurious place or something you have never seen. Exactly the opposite, its a place of coziness and unpolished to the last detail service. But aren’t we all tired of fake smiles and ridiculous attitude?

South West


132 km

from sofia

1h 47min

Travel time

Food & Drinks

on site

South West


132 km

from sofia

1h 47min

Travel time

Food & Drinks

on site


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